Yoga, Meditation & Therapy based Mindcare
Fitdeals provide specialised mindcare by using Yoga, Meditation and Mind Therapy
techniques to help relieve mind related issues like stress, anxiety,
behavioural depression,Traumatic and addiction issues.
Professional Experts at fitdeals ensure tailored mind fitness programs for each individuals personalised care. Express consultation sessions for speedy recovery
About Mind Fitness
Your brain is the core that decides your life.Mind Fitness is a state of our mental or psychological health. It indicates well-being of our thoughts ,actions ,behaviour and body. At fitdeals we ensure ,mind fitness which enhances our capability to handle routine psychological tasks like reading/writing, planning, emotional strength, socialising , examinations and business tasks more efficiently.
Why Mind Fitness is Must?
Do you know as per WHO report 1 in 5 kids and adolescents have a mental disorder. The pandemic has stressed us mentally and there is a significant increment in mental issues being reported by individual and organisations.The challenging work environment and social distancing is giving a mental burnout to us.This leads to issues like anxiety, stress, lack of sleep, emotional instability and various addictions. At Fitdeals we help to heal mind using Yoga,meditation and Therapies to cope up and manage the new environmental changes. This results to live a well-balanced healthy, and content life hence improved Mind Fitness.
Fit delivers impact and skills for life
Enquiries Handled
Sessions Conducted
Lives Saved
Our Programs
→ Yoga for women
→ Yoga for general well being
→ Yoga for Physical chronic issues
→ Tailored programs for individual needs
→ You choose the trainer basis your needs
→ Personalised sessions
→ Anywhere,Any time sessions
→ Meditation for kids
→ Meditation for success
→ Meditation for stress/anxiety relief
→ Meditation for healing Trauma
→ Meditation community and forums
→ Anywhere,Anytime sessions
Mind therapy
→ Individual Therapy
→ Couples Therapy
→ Behavioural Therapy
→ Addiction Therapy